Full name:Henry Ngo
In game name:Bleech
Time zone: Pacific
Experience with plugins:GroupManager,Permissions,WorldEdit,WorldGuard,Factions,etc.
Commands you know:/fly,/op,/ban,/tempban,/kick,/mute etc.
Someone is spamming, what do you do?:You mute them. And if they talk with faction desc, you temp ban them.
You see someone hacking, what do you do?:You give them a warning. Then tell them to force update their minecraft. If they still don't listen then you tempban/ban.
Basic commands you know:ban,kick.mute,manpromote, etc.
Time playing on the server:2 and a half days.
Have you even been banned/jailed on this server?:Never.
If so, why?:
Other commands:..... /broadcast, /say etc.
I just want to say that I have experience being a mod/admin/owner in plenty of servers. I would never abuse my powers in this server and never will (unlike some people in this server, just saying, just not pointing fingers). I got trial-mod from Davy with my brother "BearGrylls" or reporting a hacker placing Swastikas around his house (Xaviarthegreat, he was banned BTW). But before I could help around the server, just a short sec later, I was deranked for no reason, along with my brother.
-Get skilled or get killed.